A ‘virtual’ online folk camp?

As a result of having to cancel the 2020 programme of Folk Camps due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there is much enthusiasm for holding virtual events in the summer so that we can stay in touch with our Folk Camp friends from the safety of our own gardens. Song swaps, tune swaps, knitting workshops – all these things can be shared over Zoom or Skype. Some of us are planning to put a tent up in our own garden, peel potatoes and wash up online! And dancing is also possible!

These virtual events may be large or small in scale, run by Folk Camps or run by YOU formally or informally! We’d like to hear YOUR suggestions for virtual events. Please send your ideas to virtualcamp@folkcamps.co.uk. There are already some great events going on between folk campers and we’ve seen that folk campers have the energy and the ingenuity to make many things possible!

Watch out for announcements of online Folk Camp events in the coming weeks.