
Governing Members

Folk Camps is a charity and a company limited by guarantee. It is a democratic organisation: decisions about how the organisation is run are taken by elected members of Council and Governing Members. Governing Members are the heart of the organisation: each year we have about 500 adult campers of which about 230 are Governing Members.

Benefits of becoming a Governing Member

How to Become a Governing Member

To become a Governing Member, and to have your say in how Folk Camps is run, then fill in the form below and pay the membership fee. It costs just £2 per year (minimum 5 years). Your application needs to be supported by two existing members.

Application forms are also available at each Folk Camp.

    Nomination for Folk Camps Governing Membership

    To become a Folk Camps Governing Member, please fill in this form.

    You can only become a Governing Member once you have already attended a Folk Camp.

    The Proposer and Seconder must already be Governing Members of Folk Camps.

    By filling in this form, you are making this declaration:

    "I wish to become a GOVERNING MEMBER of Folk Camps Society Limited. I understand that my financial liability, in the event of failure of the Society, is limited to £10, or any other amount set by the Society at an AGM or EGM. My age is not less than 18 years.
    I will make a payment of £2 per year subscription, minimum of 5 years (£10) to the Folk Camps bank account."

    (The bank account details will be in the email sent in response to completing this form).

    Membership renewal

    If your governing membership has lapsed and you need to renew, then you do not need to fill in the form. Instead, just make an online payment in the way you normally pay for your Folk Camps (minimum £10 and contact the office by email).

    Associate Members

    Everyone that attends a Folk Camp is an Associate Member for one year, however without the benefits of governing membership.

    See more about running Folk Camps.